The Leo Triplet
Work has been getting in the way recently so I haven't had much opportunity to get the telescope out, but the Easter holidays has meant I have been at home and the unusually good weather has given us astronomers a couple of relatively clear nights. Whilst the sky has not been completely clear, it was worth having a go at capturing some Deep Space Objects, although the near full moon rising just after 22:30 meant that I didn't have log before sky glow eliminated all but the brightest objects.
After a surprisingly quick setup, considering how many weeks it has been since I have had the scope out, I slewed to the M66 Group - otherwise known as The Leo Triplet. This group of three galaxies is about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo and consists of the spiral galaxies M65, M66, and NGC 3628.
The final image is the result of 8 x 300s exposures captured with a QHY8L camera attached to my Altair Wave 115 triplet refractor. The images were captured and stacked using Nebulosity 3 and processed using Photoshop CS6.
The Leo Triplet |
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